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My Financial Independence Journey » Link Love » Weekend Link Love: Nobody Loves Hasbro Edision

Weekend Link Love: Nobody Loves Hasbro Edision

Some months ago I did a stock analysis of Aflac and people were falling all over themselves commenting on it.  People just love the duck.  This week, I did a stock analysis of Hasbro – the company that makes Transformers and My Little Pony.  Comments are a graveyard.  Maybe it was just a bad analysis.  Or maybe you people need to get back in touch with your inner child.  So that’s your assignment this weekend.  Get in touch with your inner child.  I’ll be drinking – because you know, I like booze.

Another weekend, another collection of links.  Enjoy.



This week I recommend that you check out the following links.  Presented in the order that I came across them.

  1. The Dividend Guy points out that dividend investing will always be better than buying the entire stock market.  I couldn’t agree more.
  2. Edward Antrobus highlights some auto maintenance that you can do yourself.
  3. Dividend Theory explains a classic investing mistake to avoid.
  4. The First Million is the Hardest asks whether it’s better to spend less or earn more.
  5. Hello Suckers writes an interesting post looking at a bad investment he made in Armour Residential (ARR) and dissecting what went wrong.
  6. Dividend Growth Investor explains that dividends are far more stable than capital gains. And he has data to back up his claims!
  7. Financial Samurai looks back at his purchase of a structured note and reviews its performance.
  8. Dividend Mantra reminds us that he isn’t buying “stocks,” he’s buying ownership steaks in high quality companies.  An investment philosophy we should all be employing.
  9. Wealth Informatics provides a list of tips to put you into a stronger position as a potential home buyer.
  10. Dollarversity argues that time is NOT money.  He has some reasonable points.
  11. Krantcents discusses the windfall elimination provision.  One more fun way that the government prevents you from getting your full social security benefits.


Stock Analyses:

  1. Dividend Monk provides an analysis of Waste Management (WM).
  2. Dividend Growth Investor provides an analysis of Archer Daniels Midland (ADM).


Readers:  How did your week go?

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6 Responses to "Weekend Link Love: Nobody Loves Hasbro Edision"

  1. Thanks for the referral, MFIJ!
    I did actually read your HAS analysis, and I can tell you I did not find it a bad analysis at all! You point out some very legitimate risks. It’s hard to see where this company will be in 10 years though, with the shift to tablet and internet gaming, so personally I wouldn’t want to own it. But I have to admit I’m not a transformers fan ;)
    The Dividend Theory

  2. krantcents says:

    I think you will find readers are a fickle group of people! I am always surprised which articles resonate with people.

    Thanks for the links, I am in good company

  3. MFIJ,

    Thanks for including me!

    I’m not a fan of HAS. The toys I grew up with and the toys kids are growing up with today (tablets, etc.) are just different. Maybe HAS is just fine 10 years from now. Maybe not. I just don’t want to be involved in that bet.

    Enjoy what’s left of the weekend.

    Best wishes!

    1. MFIJ says:

      I’m always amazed at how spoiled kids are today. When I was a kid my parents would never have bought me a $500 iPad so that I could watch movies and email my friends.

  4. Martin says:

    MFIJ, thanks for the mention!! Appreciate it!

  5. Hope you had a great weekend!

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