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My Financial Independence Journey » Link Love » Weekend Link Love

Weekend Link Love

Another weekend, another collection of links.  Enjoy.


This week I recommend that you check out the following links.  Presented in the order that I came across them.

  1. Dividend Mantra covers how a diversified dividend portfolio protects you from income loss.
  2. Financially Integrated shares an interesting article about why you should consider running into a crisis rather than away.
  3. Hello Suckers covers some common investing mistakes.
  4. The Dividend Guy reminds us that investing is not speculating on emotions.
  5. Dividend Growth Investor explains why dividend investors should ignore price volatility.
  6. Planting Our Pennies has an interesting write up on real estate leverage and return on investment.
  7. Good Financial Cents writes about adding real estate to your investment portfolio.
  8. The First Million Is the Hardest comments on how economic data triggers market shifts.
  9. Critical Financial writes about the economics of small scale timber harvesting.


Stock Analyses:

  1. Dividend Monk provides an analysis of Wells Fargo (WFC).
  2. Dividend Growth Investor provides an analysis of Chevron (CVX).


Readers:  How did your week go?

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3 Responses to "Weekend Link Love"

  1. MFIJ, thanks for the mention!! I really appreciate it.

  2. MFIJ,

    Thanks for including me. Much appreciated!

    Hope you’re enjoying the weekend.

    Best regards!

  3. Thanks for the mention! Have a great weekend!

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