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My Financial Independence Journey » Link Love » Weekend Link Love

Weekend Link Love

Behold!  A small list of articles that you should be reading.



This week I recommend that you check out the following links.  Presented in the order that I came across them.

  1. Dividend Growth Investor writes about looking for bargains in the current overvalued market.
  2. Narrow Bridge Finance uses the analogy of the underpants gnomes to explain entrepreneurship.  Short, funny, and insightful.  All in one blog post.
  3. The Financial Economist posits that you might not want to invest in Canada, he cites the resource economy, the Canadian housing bubble, and Canada’s general lack of competitiveness.
  4. The First Million is the Hardest shares a list of reasons why you might want to selling an investment.
  5. The Financial Economist writes about why public pension funds are headed for disaster.  The can can (not a typo) only be kicked down the road for so long before it hits a wall.
  6. The Financial Economist hits a double this week with his post about how earning’s season affects stock price.
  7. Wealth Informatics returns after a substantial hiatus with a post on where and how to find a house to buy.  Worth reading, because it’s probably longer and more comprehensive than some book chapters on the subject.  In other words, you might learn something.
  8. Financially Integrated explores whether there are any retail dividend paying companies that are worth investing in.


Stock Analyses

  1. Dividend Monk provides an analysis of Digital Realty Trust (DLR).
  2. Dividend Growth Investor provides an analysis of Dr. Pepper Snapple Group (DPS).


Readers:  How did your week go?

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3 Responses to "Weekend Link Love"

  1. Troy says:

    Thanks for the mention! My post was rather controversial.

  2. Great list! I’ve been a fan of your first link, Dividend Growth Investor, for some time now. He provides great stock analysis and has served as an inspiration for my own dividend stock portfolio.

    1. MFIJ says:

      Thanks. I’m a big fan of Dividend Growth Investor. His is one of the blogs I read tons of before starting down the path of dividend growth investing.

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