My Financial Independence Journey » Archive
A Brief Primer on Master Limited Partnerships (MLP) Part 1: What are MLPs, how do they work, and why should you consider investing in them.
Master Limited Partnerships (MLPs) are unique investments that offer high yields and diversification into commodities. Simply put, MLPs are publicly traded partnerships. Just like stocks, they are completely liquid investments that are bought and sold on the major exchanges. Many MLPs also have a solid history of consistently raising dividends, making them great additions to a dividend growth portfolio. Unfortunately, MLPs come with some interesting tax filing regulations, that you need to be aware of – but never intimidated by. Read on, and we’ll begin to explore the world of MLPs together. … Read entire article »
Filed under: Investing
Emerson Electric (EMR) Dividend Stock Analysis

Emerson Electric (EMR) is an industrial conglomerate operating in five primary business segments: Process Management (31% of sales), Industrial Automation, Network Power, Climate Technologies, and Commercial & Residential Solutions. The company generated about 45% of revenues in the U.S. and Canada during F2012, with another 24% from Asia, 20% from Europe, 6% from Latin America, and the remainder from the Middle East and Africa. Process management (31% of sales) process management software and systems, analytical instrumentation, … Read entire article »
Filed under: Stock Analysis
Weekend Link Love
So I’m back from my vacation and as promised here are some great posts by other bloggers from the last two weeks. Actually, I’m really happy about this collection of links, some really solid content here. Another weekend, another collection of links. Enjoy. … Read entire article »
Filed under: Link Love
Happy Fourth Of July
Given that today is Independence Day, stop reading blogs and go out and celebrate. Do some grilling, watch some fireworks, and spend time with friends and family. Regular posting will resume on Saturday with some link love. … Read entire article »
Filed under: Uncategorized
Calculating total annual returns

As an investor, it’s critical that I have a good idea of how well my investments are doing. This is relatively easy if you make one investment, sit on it, then just check the price at some later point in time. But what if you have multiple investments all made at different points in time, like every few weeks when a new paycheck hits your account. Or multiple different strategies like dividend investing, capital growth … Read entire article »
Filed under: Investing, Investment portfolio
Portfolio Status: July 2013
Continuing with my goal of financial transparency, I’m posting my portfolio as it is at the beginning of July of 2013. … Read entire article »
Filed under: Investment portfolio
General Electric (GE) Dividend Stock Analysis

General Electric (GE) is a conglomerate that products ranging from jet engines and gas turbines to consumer appliances, railroad locomotives and medical equipment. Additionally, GE is also a major provider of consumer and commercial financing. This part is important because it gets GE into a lot of trouble in 2008. GE does business through eight segments: Power &Water (19% of sales), Oil & Gas (10%), Energy Management (5%), Aviation (14%), Healthcare (12%), Transportation (4%), Home & Business Solutions (5%), and … Read entire article »
Filed under: Stock Analysis