My Financial Independence Journey » Entries tagged with "msft"
Recent Transactions – Lots of Stuff
As part of my commitment to keep my readers up to date on my portfolio, I write up short posts describing my transactions. My portfolio is undergoing a bit of a makeover at present, and I think it’s best to walk everyone through the changes from start to finish. … Read entire article »
Filed under: Investment portfolio
Microsoft (MSFT) Dividend Stock Analysis

Microsoft (MSFT) is the world’s largest software maker. As you’re probably painfully aware, the company holds a virtual monopoly on desktop operating systems and office suites. Microsoft is divided into five business units: 1) Windows and Windows Live which is responsible for the Windows operating system, which over 90% of all PCs use. 2) Server and Tools is responsible for producing various sever related products and providing support for them through Microsoft Consulting Services. 3) … Read entire article »
Filed under: Stock Analysis