My Financial Independence Journey » Entries tagged with "S&P500"
Getting to Know the S&P500

Everybody and their uncle is familiar with the S&P500 index as a indicator of how well the economy is doing and as a benchmark for their own success as an investor. But how much do people really know about the S&P500 and it’s component companies? … Read entire article »
Filed under: Investing
Dividend Growth Investing vs the S&P500

I’ve always wondered how my dividend growth portfolio was doing vs some common index, like the S&P500. I’ve got lots of S&P stocks like CocaCola (KO) in there. But I’m missing some of the big boys like Apple. So does the lack of certain non-dividend stocks hinder my capital gains? Maybe it helps? I’ve heard a lot of investors say that they think that their dividend growth stocks are as good as an index fund. Thinking … Read entire article »
Filed under: Investing