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My Financial Independence Journey » Link Love » Weekend Link Love: Pathogenic microorganisms edition

Weekend Link Love: Pathogenic microorganisms edition

This weekend link love is brought to you by whichever pathogenic microorganism has been attempting to set up shop in my respiratory system this week.  Nothing quite like coughing so hard that your abs start to hurt.  I have a strict policy when it comes to harboring microorganisms.  Pay rent or get out.  No freeloaders.  Now if I could just find a way to get my cats and plants to pay rent, I’d be set.

First some blog news:

There is now a brand new tab a the top of the page for tracking my options holdings.



This week I recommend that you check out the following links.

Presented in the order that I came across them.

  1. Dividend Mantra discusses why he prefers dividend growth investing to index investing.
  2. Retire by 40 writes about why you shouldn’t turn your hobby into a money maker.
  3. Eyes on the Dollar shares her thoughts on living in a small town.
  4. My Money Design reviews payout ratio.  But payout ratio is really popular this week and…
  5. Hello Suckers also provides a great review of payout ratio.
  6. Money Beagle discusses the failure of JC Penny’s new pricing model.
  7. Frugal Rules enlightens us about how being cheap can adversely affect your mortgage.
  8. Financially Integrated provides us with a guide to investing overseas.
  9. Financial Samurai asks whether you should convert your 401(k) to an IRA.


Stock Analyses:

  1. Dividend Monk provides an analysis of Cincinnati Financial Corporation (CINF).
  2. Dividend Growth Investor provides an analysis of Omega Healthcare Investors (OHI).


Readers:  How did your week go?

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Filed under: Link Love · Tags: , round up, weekend

12 Responses to "Weekend Link Love: Pathogenic microorganisms edition"

  1. Thanks for the mention mate.

  2. Pauline says:

    Sorry to hear, I hope you get better! Maybe your cat can be an actor or something, re the plants I can’t find a way for them to bring money in :) .

    1. MFIJ says:

      I’m starting to feel better. But this cold is lingering around way longer than I would like. My cat is pretty smart, so I’ve been working on teaching him how to do my job. But he seems to lack interest in everything I do. Oddly, judging from the training videos that I’ve watched at home I think that the cat could get a job in the compliance department. And the plants, yeah no idea how to get money out of them. I’ve got a whole apartment full of freeloaders….

  3. Ooh, sorry to hear about your new (albeit temporary) “resident”. We had a good week, despite receiving several more inches of snow. Thanks for the mention, and hope you feel better soon!

    1. MFIJ says:

      I hope you fared well in the snow. I used to live in the Northern reaches of the Midwest so I can sympatheize with you.

  4. Martin says:

    Thanks for the mention!!

  5. Integrator says:

    Thanks for the mention, I think those same organisms you mention have found there way across to where we are as well…..not good.

    1. MFIJ says:

      You have my sympathies. I’m on the mend, but this cold is sticking around way longer than I would like it to. I hope you feel better soon.

  6. Justin says:

    Sorry to hear about your pain. I had a similar issue two months ago for what seemed like half a year, more like four to five weeks. It just wouldn’t go away. I hope that yours lasts much less time than mine did.

    1. MFIJ says:

      Thanks for your sympathy. The cold is still lurking around and the cough is only present at nights now, but at least I’m slowly getting better and have enough energy to get things done.

  7. Sorry to hear you haven’t been feeling well. Hope you are better this week!

    1. MFIJ says:

      Thanks. I’m slowly getting better although the cough is annoyingly persistent.


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